How to Relieve Strong Smelling Urine
1. Make Dietary Adjustments
Some food items, especially asparagus, cause urine to have strong odor. Urine with strong smelling can also result from taking large quantities of certain other foods including the following:
- Fish
- Garlic
- Eggs
- Alcohol
- Onions
- Vitamin B6
You can get rid of the foul urine smell by avoiding asparagus as well as cutting down your intake of the above food items. Also, fruits can help reduce the effects of pungent foods on body fluid odor. For the best results, eat two or more servings of fruit daily.
2. Keep Hydrated
Because water is the main component of urine, whenever you are dehydrated, your urine will contain less water than normal. This means that the urine will contain a higher percentage of urea, uric acid, salts and enzymes, leading to urine with strong odor. You can reduce the strong smell by taking about eight glasses of water daily.
3. Treat the Underlying Medical Condition
Besides food, bacterial urinary tract infections are an important cause of strong smelling urine. UTIs may also present with abdominal discomfort, cloudy urine and a burning sensation when urinating. If you suspect a UTI, consult your doctor for treatment.
What Does Urine Color Say About Your Health?
1. Pink or Red
While pink or red colored urine may signify a UTI, kidney disease, prostate disease or even a tumor, it may also be the result of a diet rich in beets, carrots, blackberries or rhubarb. Medication such as rifampin can also lead to pink-red colored urine. If you notice a pink or red color in your urine and you are neither on such medicines nor have you eaten large quantities of the above food, you need to see your doctor.
2. Orange
Your pee can turn orange if you are on medications such as phenazopyridine which is used to treat UTIs, isoniazid antibiotic and high quantities of vitamin B2. A similar color can be the result of dehydration or problems with the bile duct or liver.

3. Blue / Green
A blue or green hue in your urine can result from eating similarly colored foods. It can also be due to medicines such as promethazine which is used to treat allergies and asthma, and propofol, an anesthetic. Some medical conditions can also lead to blue/green urine, therefore if the color remains beyond a few days, consult your doctor.
4. Foamy or Frothy
If you notice foaming or frothing in your urine, you should consult your doctor. It may indicate the presence of protein in your urine due to kidney disease.